Hi all....The big error in my gallery is this --> Error: The 'albums' directory cannot be found or is not readable.
I' Chmod the folder "Albums" and "Chache" from 775 to 777.
I edit Function.php with code line find in this forum, and i diseble .htaccess -->
// If you have Apache mod_rewrite, put true here, and you'll get nice cruft-free URLs.
// MAKE SURE TO EDIT THE .htaccess FILE with your path information.
$conf['mod_rewrite'] = false;
Can anyone help me ?
// functions.php - HEADERS NOT SENT YET!
/*comment out this bit
if (strstr(basename(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])), "zen")) {
define('WEBPATH', dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])));
} else {
define('WEBPATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
define('WEBPATH', '/membri/wizardmodder/expo');//or whatever dir you installed to
I found this string in this forum.
You might need to do the same thing for the SERVERPATH variable too. Like this:
define('SERVERPATH', '/home/user/public_html/zenphoto');
Where did i find the serverpatch ?
The admin pannel work!!, But the gallery have this aspect --> http://www.wizardmodder.altervista.org/expo/
Why ?
I see the gallery, but i dont see the IMAGE !!
Thk @ all