Hi guys,
I installed Zenphoto 1.4.4 on a dev environment on my webserver. No changes are made on this release, so a clean install. I moved 2 maps with pictures to the server and renamed from each map 8 pictures to test1-test2 and on.
When I perform a search (with search criteria "test") I see the results, 16 pictures from 2 maps with a url mywebsite/dev/page/search/
When I want to see the pictures I can scroll from picture test1 till test8 and then I see the pictures in the map that are not renamed (just IMG_numbers from 1 map).
I see 16 pictures from 2 maps but I can only see 8 pictures from 1 map en not the other 8 pictures from another map that also named test9 - test10 and on.
During this search scroll the url does not have the search within. I tested this with all standard themes.
Allow search is enabled on the theme.
- Field list to all
- Treat spaces as AND
- Default search NEW
- Do not return album matches NOT SET
- Do not return image matches NOT SET
- Redo search after 0 minutes
Thnx sbillard
thnx sbillard