printLatestImages stuck being displayed as list?

I'm using the following functions on my site:


Latest Images

<?php printLatestImages(20); ?>

Random Images

<?php printRandomImages(10); ?>


However, in v1.1.5 printLatestImages showed the images in two rows and 10 columns. In version 1.1.6 it's showing them in 20 rows and 1 column. Any styling I try to apply to it doesn't changed that fact. Is there a way to get the images out of a list like that so they are display horizontally across the page? BTW: This is the way printRandomImages was in v1.1.5 as well.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can use CCS and `float: right`to get the old view back even with a list. There is a class already attached you can use. Please see the docs.

    EDIT: To explain why it's a list now. You can now choose to show the title, date and description if you wish. And to already have those parts together I choose to put them into `` elements. Semantically this is a list, so I found it fitting.
  • tim254 Member

    I found the docs on printLatestImage:

    and printRandomImages:

    I used this just to test it:
    `<?php printRandomImages ($number=5); ($class=album); ?>`

    However, I'm still getting them in a list. However, it doesn't seem to override whatever class is associated with it. Any pointers in the right direction would really be appreciated.
  • Your code should read `<?php printRandomImages ($number=5, $class="album"); ?>`
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually `<?php printRandomImages (5, "album"); ?>` would be enough.

    You have to make that class work yourself, it is not set up within the theme's css like this:

    .class-to use ul {
    do stuff

    .class-to-us ul li {
    do more stuff

    Here is some info what you all can do with a list and css:

    PS: I did a quick research, `printRandomImages` was already a list in 1.1.5, I confused it with the recent change of `printLatestImages` etc.
  • tim254 Member
    Thanks to your help I was able to get it to work. Here's the solution:


    `.imglatestrandom {

    list-style: none;

    float: left;

    margin:0px 0;


    .imglatestrandom ul {





    .imglatestrandom ul li {


    float: left;

    padding: 0px 3px 0px;

    margin:0px 0;




    Random Images

    <?php printRandomImages ($number=20, $class="imglatestrandom"); ?>

    Latest Images

    <?php printLatestImages(20); ?>


    Thanks again!
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