Thickbox not working in ZP

I added the line class="thickbox" to the url of the imageslinks. In the statusbar I can see that the link is ok. The overlay screen is loaded, but the actual image is not displayed.
So I changed the links in the <head> of the album.php to point to the thickbox files I'm using within my WordPress installation. Tried again and I could see that the link was diverted to my WP thikcbox files because in the css of those files I deleted the overlay screen. But still the images don't show up in ZP while it works ok inside WP.

Anyone with experience of using Thickbox within ZP? Perhaps there is a conflict in code/javascript I'm not aware about?

I've experienced this once with my Plogger installation. Then it was a line 'deny all' which was somehow included into the .htaccess file in the /images folder. But this is not the case here.

EDIT: Just tried it with Lightbox. Same thing: lightbox starts up, overlay screen, white box, but no images loaded. When I disable lightbox or thickbox I get redirected to the standard one-image-per-page screen of my theme.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually that should work, thickbox is actually already included within zp.core/js and is used by default theme to show the exif data on image.php.

    Check you options in the admin how the image protection is set, too.
  • jackdaw Member
    Well, I just added thickbox to the <head> of the default theme and added class="thickbox" to the imagelink. The overlay screen appears again, but no images... The admin toolbox and exif data is presented as should.

    The 'Full image protection' is set to 'unprotected'.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, I tried it out, the image protection must be the following "unprotected" and "disable hotlinking" must be unchecked, since the full size image is called.
  • jackdaw Member
    My settings were exactly what you describe, but no images...

    But I found the 'error' :)...
    I had to change getImageLinkURL into getFullImageURL in album.php. That was all...
    It came to me when after disabling mod_rewrite the thickbox window appeared with the complete webpage in it and not just the image :)
  • I know this is an old post but I had a similar issue, setting it to unprotected did fix it - doh would be nice if the protected worked as well - ah well...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is a limitation in the Thickbox js. You could try to use the iFrame function of the Thickbox for example if you really need this and make a extra theme page to call the full image or a special bigger resized one.
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