
I just installed your "zenphoto" app.
Just two points if you want it to be widely used:
- do not assume short_open_tags set to "on" in php.ini:
I had to change all "<? aa.." into "<?php aa.." and all
"<?= aa.." into "<?php echo aa.." in the php files;
note that the error message I got was not obvious ...
- the WEBPATH constant was not correctly defined;
I had to edit the functions.php file, adding a slash
to the search string, so that the root (zenphoto) won't
disappear from the path:
if (strstr (basename (dirname( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])), "zen/")) {

Now I'm trying to populate the databse ...

Anyway, thanks for this app, I was developping one myself when I read about yours.


  • trisweb Administrator
    You're absolutely correct on both points, and we're definitely working on them. I mean, they're easy, we just don't have much time at the moment. Maybe a bugfix release by the end of the week.
  • Thanks for your reply.

    I also edited the admin.php file :
    - in the location headers, removed '/zen'
    - edited the SELECT clause for the problem mentionned
    in the 'imagedid not found' post

    But now, impossible to get the images themselves nor the corresponpding thumbnails. Sounds as if the images files were not found. I had a look to the i.php file, but
    I'm not a PHP expert and could'nt solve this problem.

    Could you help ?

    Thanks in advance.
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