link to "next" image broken

On about 5 of 125 images in my album, when I click "next" from the image page it does not create the next link correctly and returns me to the index page. Here's what happens: on, say, clicking "next" takes me to rather than . It also does this for the "prev" link when it tries to link to image4 from image5. There isn't anything special about these images it's having trouble linking to...

thank you!!


  • Your links don't work. Please give us a real example to look at.
  • zpuser Member
    hmm. Everything I have is password protected.... When i mouse over the "next" link it just points to sameURL/.php rather than sameURL/nextimage.jpg.php - what can i do to get zenphoto to recreate the "next" and "prev" links? Or can I modify them by hand for the image pages??

    It also sends me to the wrong photo sometimes with "next" and "prev" too (but curiously only to those photos for which "next" is nonfunctional).

    Thank you...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please tell us which version you are using.
  • zpuser Member
    Version 1.0.8 . I've been experimenting and sometimes the link is created to .php (rather than the next photo) when I delete what was once the next photo. This doesn't explain other weird linking behavior (such as photos added later linking to the photo with the broken next link!).

    I'd love to tell zenphoto "recreate all links." Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you!
  • Version 1.0.8 is pretty obsolete. I am afraid we can't help you unless you move up to 1.1.6. Anyway, zenphoto will create the links each time the page is displayed, so you don't really need to tell it to recreate them.
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