I run a bilingual site, and I would like to have the gallery (album and image descriptions, comment buttons, paypal integration) in two different languages. Is something like this possible without installing zenphoto twice using two different mysql databases?
But why don't you just add two titles / descriptions next to each other or beneath each other?
Title would be: Ein kleines Pferd / A small horse
and the descriptions can be seperated by a horizontal line...
But with two installations you do can point to one and the same album folder. But this is just my guess, I didn't write the program...
That would be an experiment. That has never been done, so if you want to try that...
I just thought, change the 'external album location' in the zp-config file of one of those installations to point to the /album of the other installation. But perhaps that was too easy thinking...
But I don't know how convinient it would be to maintain two installs of the same content. I think I would follow your idea if I had to.
I should follow my own advice more often
maybe there's another quick and dirty solution :
-use the empty field of your images description (for exemple "credit" if you don't you use it) to fill it with the title of your alternative language
-display it in your theme using css :
<span class="myalternativelanguage"><?php echo getImageCredit(); ?></span>
-create a style switcher
-create another css, using display:none for the language you don't want to display
Sorry, am I clear ?
Is there another way :=) ? Ofcourse, it could be done from within the admin, but it's the choice of the viewer.
Would be a great addition!