Binary Theme


In another thread, somebody asked me if I could share my theme with the rest of you. That theme, though is so much modified in other places than the template files, so I decided to try to make a nice theme in the same style.

Just wanted to show you how I am doing. There is some retouching and finizing to be done, but I will probably offer the theme for download soon, if somebody is interested, that is :)


  • I like this theme and would be interested in trying it out. Nice work. I think darker backgrounds bring out pictures better. (Although I like lighter backgrounds for reading blogs.)
  • Very cool theme. The original would be nice for a blog your new one for a photoalbum. Any timeline when we can get our grubby hands on this? One of the best I've seen in a long time.
  • Very nice! Excellent work!
  • Very nice! i hope to use this theme soon ..
  • Almost ready, but does anyone with xhtml/css knowledge here have Opera?

    I am having problems with fitting the commentboxes properly (that appear when you click the comment link), in Opera. They work fine both on IE & Firefox on Windows, and on Camino & Safari on MacOSX. Only Opera on PC renders the commentboxes strangely (Of the above tested).

    Does anyone want to run through it for me? Sometimes it's so hard to see what you're doing wrong when you're so deep in it. Also this is a bit of a shitty mixture with the tables because, well, I didn't spend a lot of time doing it properly and I'm not good enough at this shit to be able to do it tablefree quickly without some brainburnout.

    Give me some thoughts, if you have any.
  • Yes! And please check if you see any flaws/bugs in it, all of yous. Don't want to throw it out not properly finished.
  • Love this theme! and it so fits with my current wordpress theme as well! i'm paying close attention to its release, thanks ingalo!
  • Okay! Hereyago!
    Try it out.

    If you use it, let me know, nice to keep track of it.
  • ingalo:

    How would you feel if i did a little remix of your theme? Would this be ok? I like it but i would like to change the colourscheme and a few details.

    I would of course make the remix available for others.
  • Welcome. Tell me also what you do with it, I would really like to know what people feel could be better about this one ;)
  • Ah yes!

    Forgot to say.

    The zipped theme package comes with 3 different colour schemes, light, dark and black. You can choose which you like.
  • thanks ingalo!
  • I found your theme yesterday and I'm now testing it...

    I noticed that when we click on the main gallery to the album site, on the bottom left of the IE browser display with this error : "Done, but with errors on page." Firefox tested out ok.

    Great job!

  • Hiya, Zenphoto team. Just realized you offer my theme, Binary, for download on your site, with slight addons so I just fixed the README file a bit.

    Also, I deleted from the files links to my old email that is not in use any more, because I was getting emails there that just got lost.

    I didn't check the errors Melissa mentions.

    The new files can be downloaded here:

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for the note, I will update the entry to the new download location (we had it there for over two years, I think).
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