make captcha more readable

The captcha text is often unreadable even when I pin my face to the screen, and its even more so for new pc users who want to comment. Is there any way of making it just a bit more readable, e.g. by making the background noise a little more light?


  • Sure. You can modify the image--zp-core/images/captcha_background.png to whatever you like. We will look at a less distractive background.
  • vidisad Member
    sbillard: Please don't change it! It has to be done that way so spammers tool can't read it. Any user can change it on his end.
  • I concur. The admin login Captcha, for example, is way too tiny if ever I did need it (not likely as I admin the domain).
  • DrSlony Member
    vidisad we know why and how captcha works, the point is that it is way too unreadable, and its not just me. I already got some feedback from users and they said (without me asking) that its not readable, and sometimes you have to reload it just to make it out. I would say that the normal user wants a bit more readable captcha, and if someone like you wants it as unreadable (and small) as it is now, he can do so himself :]
  • Try the caption_background.png image from last night's build. Let us know if it makes the grade.
  • Hmm, to me it's not the background so much as it is the size. If you could make the captcha image as whole a little bigger it would probably be a easier to read.

    That said I'd still like to see a plugin for recaptcha at some point.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That said I'd still like to see a plugin for recaptcha at some point.
    Feel free to write one...:-)
  • i also find the captcha mostly hard to read. not for the background, but the global size of the characters is a bit tiny.
  • See if the nightly build is an improvement for you.
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