1574 build: still no slideshow

One image album, sized image cached. Click View Slideshow from the image page. I get the zp-core/images/zp-logo image and not my photo. When trying from albums with more than one image cached, I get the zp-core images in rotation for video and multimediaDefault . Viewing slideshow from album with 4 cached images and same problem.

I've previously reported the same problem but am told you can't reproduce. Obviously, I am as this is entirely different builds this is happening with.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Which variante, "jQuery" or "flash"? Again I have to tell that I can't reproduce it with none of these variants. You should have Slideshow version
  • JQuery on your previous recommendation. What do you mean slideshow version I'm just d/1 svn from 22-May and will take a look for this.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As you can see on the plugins admin page every plugin has a version number.
  • Okay, plugin slideshow v1.0.2.3 shows (I don't visit the page that often). Just update to 1585 svn and the slideshow doesn't work. Instead of my 1 image album slideshow, I still get the zp-core/image/multimediasomething image.

    If it means anything I also have checked flowplayer v1.0.1
  • Build 1585:
    <div id="slideshow" align="center">
    <div id="controls">

    <div id="slides" class="pics"><span class='slideimage'><h4>: multimediaDefault (2/2)</h4><img src='/zp-core/i.php?a=&i=multimediaDefault.png&s=450' alt=multimediaDefault title=multimediaDefault /></span><span class='slideimage'><h4>: zen-logo (1/2)</h4><img src='/zp-core/i.php?a=&i=zen-logo.jpg&s=450' alt=zen-logo title=zen-logo /></span></div>

    The highlighted portion is my actual image. All others are ZP code. "Missing" code wouldn't copy/paste into this forum box, it's just the control buttons.

    When I clicked the Stop to return to the MY image, named in code, get error:
    `Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found. Please go back and try again.`
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Still I can't reproduce it with the unchanged default theme. If this is not one of the standard themes please try that with an unaltered default theme. The multimedia default image is not supposed to appear at all.
  • I did try with unaltered and reproduced. The ONLY alteration I have in my version is comment out RSS in the credit line and Tags in albums/images.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, then something else must be wrong. I can't help if I can't reproduce it.
  • Build 1591:
    I will do another NEW install of ZP into a new subdirectory using only your Default. Will create 1 test album 2 pics and see what happens. Without a move feature, obviously can't afford to move my albums and loss of all data!
  • Build 1591:
    I will do another NEW install of ZP into a new subdirectory using only your Default. Will create 1 test album 2 pics and see what happens. Without a move feature, obviously can't afford to move my albums and loss of all data!

    (I clicked Send Post and BBPress told me "slow down, you move too fast) But there was no music <LAUGH>
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I always would recommend to have a separate install for test purposes and maybe using something like MAMP locally, especially if I had a slower connection (like I remember you still have).
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