sharpen scaled down images

Image quality should be everything to us. I upload photos fit to a width of 1200px to my site, and zenphoto resizes them to a width of 880px, the 1200 is for the full-sized view. When resizing e.g. 3000 to 880 then the 880 is sharp, but when resizing a 1200 to 880 then its not sharp, pretty obvious.
1- How about adding the ability to sharpen those images in the same way as we can enable sharpening of thumbnails?
2- I looked also for the code which resizes them but i couldnt find it - what algorithm is used for resizing? How about antialiased lanczos?
3- Until one of the above is implemented, is there any way I can either upload 1200 and have the 880 sharp, or upload 3000 and have ZP scale them down to 880 (for the in-page view) AND to 1200 (for the full-sized view)?


  • DrSlony Member
    Anyone know how to do at least point 3?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. Please add a feature request ticket for that.

    2. All image resizing is done within `zp-core/i.php`.

    3. Zenphoto does only scale the thumbs and the sized images (the in-page view one). But you could upload images to the cache manually via ftp to have the sized images custom made. They just have to match the settings of the admin backend. So if you set "800" as size in the admin, the image must be named like the full image, but the size attached. For example "imagetitle.jpg-800.jpg". Then zenphoto should consider it as already processed and cached.
  • The actual resizing of images is done by the `cacheImage()` function in functions-image.php. There is a code which reads:
    ` if ($thumb && $sharpenthumbs) {

    unsharp_mask($newim, 40, 0.5, 3);


    That does it for thumbs. If you just remove the "if" statement it will do it for all images it resizes.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    My fault....
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