Rally for PicLens Support

PicLens is growing each day and very quickly. EVERY person/freind i show it to finds it amazing and gets hooked instantly. I know theres an unofficial workaround on this forum but im having problems with it working the way it should and believe it should be made standard. Google flickr picasa yahoo now youtube soon gallery2 as ive heard, they cant be all wrong..

Please post if you want it too!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is a third party solution on our extensions page: http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/01/hacks/#mediarss
  • Thanks for the reply, but that i had two problems with that:
    1. The full images were too small
    2. My the feed worked with PicLens but stopped working with other readers.

    I didnt sit around and somehow (by magic) made my own rss file that fixes both problems. As well as that - it is the rss file which comes with the NEW version of zenphoto.

    if anyone is interested: the lines you have to add are:
    change <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" >
    <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss">

    and add

    <?php echo '<media:thumbnail url="'.WEBPATH.'/'.$images['folder'].'/image/200/'.$images['filename']. '" />';?>
    <?php echo '<media:content url="'.WEBPATH.'/'.$images['folder'].'/image/2000/'.$images['filename']. '" />';?>

    sometime after category tag.

    The 200 and 2000 are the sizes for the thumbnail and full image respectively, 2000 being the max - thus if image is larger it downsizes if not leaves it at what it is. (i believe u can change this in zenphoto settings to your liking)

    the complete file if anyone is confused is at http://www.superoforma.com/rss.php

    What I made this post for though is not to get it working for me but to make it ship standard so people like me dont have to modify the rss.php with each new release.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We always welcome community contributions and is somehow dependend on individual initiative of our users. But you might understand that we will not included everything in the release nor are we able to do that since our resources are limited. For additionally features we made the plugin system and adding a special feed is not that hard to do if you really need that piclens feature.
    To explain why we didn't add that: We had it in our now defunc poll for a long time, but noone really was interessted in that. And then another user made that feed, so we took it out.

    We really appreaciate that you made it yourself now. If your above link will be permantent, we thankfull will link to it from our extensions page.
  • Thank you for your extensive reply and thank you even more for such an amazing gallery - the "thought-through"fullness of which by far exceeds my expectations even for commercial software. I will keep the file there for as long as its valid. Cheers!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks! It's been added to our extensions page.
  • bjornh Member
    I would like to test your solution digitizer but I'm not able to download your rss.php file. I tried to edit the rss.php file by myself but I did not get it to work.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    digitzer: He is right, it's not possible to download the actual file, you only get a file with some php errors.

    Maybe you could post the file as a zip-archive.
  • oops, i thought a right click save as would save it without pre-php processing.

    heres the zip: http://www.superoforma.com/rss.zip

    remember to back up your original just in case.

    sorry for that :)
  • bjornh Member
    Thanks. I like it - Piclens is really cool. One problem as I see it is that the order is reversed (probably due to the fact this is based on an RSS feeds that show latest image first).
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can change that yourself easily, just look at the MySQL query and change the "DESC" to "ASC".
  • Thanks for the work guys, Piclens is great!
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