I have an issue where I'm trying to integrate all the functionality of zenphoto into a wordpress theme so my blog stays consistent throughout. I'm following the steps found at
http://www.ruzee.com/blog/2006/06/integrating-zenphoto-into-wordpress/ . I followed this step-by-step process about a year ago and got it to work without a problem. Since then, I moved the directory of my blog and upgraded both Wordpress and Zenphoto. Now, I'm getting the following errors:
Warning: Division by zero in /homepages/6/d200897276/htdocs/blog/personal/zenphoto/themes/default/index.php on line 3
Warning: Division by zero in /homepages/6/d200897276/htdocs/blog/personal/zenphoto/themes/default/index.php on line 3
Warning: Division by zero in /homepages/6/d200897276/htdocs/blog/personal/zenphoto/themes/default/index.php on line 3
Warning: main(0php�) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/6/d200897276/htdocs/blog/personal/zenphoto/themes/default/index.php on line 3
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '0php�' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /homepages/6/d200897276/htdocs/blog/personal/zenphoto/themes/default/index.php on line 3
Has anybody ran into this problem? I'd appreciate any feedback to help solve this issue.
I'm actually blown away by how difficult this integration thing is proving to be. On one hand you've got one of the best photo gallerys available and on the other hand you've got arguably the best blog software available and they just really don't want to play nice.
Looking through the ZP plugins for wordpress, none few with integration capability work.
I'm thinking it's got to be recent changes or something. I just don't know how far back it goes. I tried rolling back to the 1.1.4 version of ZP without any luck there, either. Although, truthfully, being a relative novice in the php environment doesn't help either.
When using the hack to include wordpress headers and sidebars and such into my Zenphoto theme I get a similar error to what's listed above: "Warning: Division by zero in..." That's following Ruzee's method step by step.
I works just fine (based on ruzeeÅ› method also).. see www.waer.nl/zenphoto
this is a stripped version of the index.php, maybe of some use...
`<?php // add the zen css to the wordpress header<br />
function addcss() {
global $_zp_themeroot;
echo '';
add_action('wp_head', 'addcss');
<?php get_header(); // adds the wordpress header ?>
<?php if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die(); $firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6');?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<?php zenJavascript(); ?>
<?php printGalleryTitle(); ?>
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
" title="View album: <?=getAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle()); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); // adds the wordpress sidebar ?>
<?php printAdminToolbox(); ?>`
It worked great!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to post that! Now, I'm off to tinker with things until I get them to work!