#549: Gallery Stats/Overview Tab in Admin

If there are 10 comments, this box takes up a bit of room. Putting the
gallery stats on top of it would make even worse use of the browser
Suggest instead that you get a larger monitor!

Sorry, had to bring it here as the ticket was closed! It's the room NO COMMENTS takes up that prevents the Stats from showing on a 17" monitor. That is still an extremely popular size and, smaller on laptops! The Stats are used to make sure things are in order. The Comments are an "optional feature" in that they may never get used but it takes space. Can that space be made like the entry for description and tags on the image.php page whereby it's collapsed until something is put in it?


  • What is your screen resolution? 640x480? This simply is not an issue for most people.
  • I am posting this from my laptop, an ultra portable with a 10 inch wide screen. (So, in case you need it spelled out, just over half the size of your display.) Even with the borowser window not at full screen size there is no problem viewing the complete admin overview page with all three elements side by side.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As I already said on the ticket, I disagree, it can be quite easily done and I will take a look at it,. Although it's really not a big issue, but it's an unnecessary one.
    It already occurs on a 1024x768 screen resolution which is a quite common resolution for not all that new laptops for example.
  • svn1657
    Okay guys, thank you. I like :)
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