View Slideshow on subalbum page

The previously mentioned Subalbum page currently with 2 subalbums and the image of its parent also includes the View Slideshow link. Probably because the page is being "re-used". However, if clicked, it only shows the image of the gallery image (the one I mentioned I was trying to remove anyway).

So, because it's a shared page, how do I indicate the link shouldn't be used from that page?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Are you sure that you don't have one image in that album that contains the two subalbums? That would be the only thing I could think of.
  • Yes, the parent has the 1 image so that it will show on the Gallery (index page). However, as previously mentioned it shows on the Subalbum page too. Don't need it there. Hence the slideshow "problem" (to me).
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I don't see the problem. The slideshow shows the images of the current selected album either on album.php or image.php, so if the album has one image, it will show that.

    If you don't want it to show the link for that album make either a if clause that checks the album name or (if album xy then don't print slideshowlink) or a check for the number of images (if image number 1 then don't show the link).
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