Need help for french translation

Hi !

First, I apologize for my English, but I'm French-speaking. ;-)

I installed Zenphoto and I uploaded the French translation files (.mo and .po) in the "LOCALE" directory, but some things still in English ! :(

Example : when you vote, the text remains in English : "Thanks for voting"

How should I proceed?
Many thanks for your help !!


  • As you probably know, language translation is still in the beta stage. We have volunteers who are making the translations, including fetard who is doing the French translation. Sometimes the problem will be that the string is hardcoded into zenphoto, other times it will be that the translation does not match the zenphoto release.

    So, two things to do. First, be sure you are running the development (nightly build) release of zenphoto. Second, when you find strings that are not translated, report them via the TRAC ticket system:

    The particular string you show is on that was hardcoded. We will fix that and then fetard will have to update his translation.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe reporting missing strings could also be done on the actual language ticket, so that all is together?
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