Index page looks different in IE6

Hi, please help - I just cannot figure out how to solve this (probably) really simple question..

I've changed the album thumbs on index page to a custom size, also changed some CSS.
And now IE6 stacks the albums in one column instead of two :(
Unfortunately, I didn't check what IE6 sees after each change I make, and noticed this behavior only now..
Tried making the boxes "shorter", also making thumbs "shorter".. doesn't work.

And the same behavior I see on this site (from the official showcase):

ZenPhoto 1.1.6.
Theme: default

Thanks for help


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    IE6 is are very problematic browser regarding CSS stylings. I can't really help since as a Mac user I don't know that but I suggest making the width of the div that surrounds the albums a little wider and/or taking a look at margins and paddings settings (BTW, its fine in Safari and Firefox).
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