Keep one album always at top of sort order, then latest album added

Is there a way to keep one specific album always at the top of sort order, then for the rest that are added, to sort by the latest album added. I've got Zen currently config'd to put the latest album added at the top, but I need to keep one specific album always as #1. I know that I can always manually move the specific album to the top, but that's a bit tedious. This need is for a client that needs to post new photos on a frequent basis to a specific album and wants that one album to be at the top of gallery, where it is easily seen.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    How about giving that album a date far in the future and let the albums be sorted by date? You also could hardcode the album and a link to it.
  • I'd consider sorting by date and making the album date future dated (clever!). However, when I try to sort the gallery by date and whether I click the "Descending" checkbox or not, it always sorts in chronological order... NOT reverse chrono order (most recent dates first).

    Please advise on solution aside from hard linking... My last option.
  • What version/build are you using, sorting by date descending works great for me in 1.1.6
    Are you in an album looking at sub albums? I'm not sure why it doesn't seem to work for you.
  • Ahhh that may the issue with the date sorting.... From the nightly builds, I'm using 1.1.5 [1507]. Not too ancient - from May 2008.

    The thing is, that constantly updating all the time, especially when everything is customized and when it's not MY gallery (it's for a customer) gets labor intensive.

    I'm looking at sorting the albums on the Gallery index page.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The problem is that, if I recall right, 1.1.5 had a bug with sorting by date. So can only suggest trying 1.1.6...:-) Of course I can understand that you are not wiling to update if your customer does want it. I wouldn't do it then, too.

    But just to mention the 1.1.6 nightly build has a new function called latestupdatedalbums() that would suite your needs maybe.
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