No matter how perfect my installation is, ZenPhoto keeps going to setup.php . I can't fix it by deleting setup.php . It looks like it´s always trying to upgrade. This must be some sort of error, how can I fix this? url:
I don't think it is a username-password thing. When I run the Setup, I get a message that the Setup is complete and all great. I can access the Administrator pages. What does not work is the public Gallery itself. Whenever I try to call up the gallery, index.php redirects to setup.php.
The only reasons zenphoto would go to setup is if the release number as defined in functions.php does not match the release value in the options table or the zp-config.php file is missing.
What version of zenphoto are you installing? The current versions all put the version/release information at the bottom. Yours does not have that.
when I opened the main site I was shocked by the noise,
I think it is not a good idea to have tan mucho ruido al sitio !
What version of zenphoto are you installing? The current versions all put the version/release information at the bottom. Yours does not have that.