New Wiki and Bugtracker coming!

This is just a teaser news post for those of you watching the forums. We got a new Wiki and bugtracker for the project that we'll be making public in the next few days. Start thinking of ways to take advantage of it, and start writing docs to go on it if you want to help out!

We're also moving our Subversion repositories to this server so we'll be completely self-contained. So yes, this does mean we'll be abandoning Berlios. It wasn't that great to begin with ;-)


  • Looking forward to them! :D
  • fantastic news!

    we can start to write really great documentation and have really well structured help files then.

    a great move :)
  • Using trac ? :)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Nope, Confluence and JIRA from Atlassian. Really great products from what I've seen so far. Still setting it up, probably going to be ready within the week.
  • Sweet! A new Wiki!!!
  • Confluence is awesome, but be careful of getting carried away with it - it's also really heavy, and has lots of potentially confusing features.

    Jira is generally just a great product.

    (in my opinion, of course)
  • Confluence does have a lot of features, but can be as simple as any other Wiki. It's also the best Wiki software ever written. I've been using it for years.

    JIRA kicks ass and is also the best issue tracker ever written.

    Put the two together and the work amazingly well.

    Of course, all of that is nothing if everyone doesn't file issues, or contribute to the wiki ;)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yep, we'll try to get those ready for everything really soon so everyone can start contributing.
  • Cool. Hopefully can get the £ problem sorted
  • trisweb Administrator
    Can't say that's the most important bug on the list man, but it's there.
  • Any update on the Wiki yet trisweb?

  • It's coming. We're trying to work on dnsalias so you can go to e.g., etc. As always, bear with us!
  • Cool! TY Luckyspin.
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