php code in custom data

am i right in putting php code in the custom data section, ie: $val1 = 'foo; $val2 = 'bar';

will that be removed in future versions, or is that actually planned?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, are you asking if that is possible or not? As far as I know only html code works. I don't think that php code will work.
  • i'm saying php code does work, and i'm building a system that takes advantage of that! however, i don't want to continue with this system if you're going to remove allowing php code in the future ;)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Alright...:-) No plans to change that.
  • We will continue to treat these fields as text. How that text gets treated depends on what the theme does.
  • jlang Member
    So long as there's no way to access the custom data other than via the admin interface or direct db access there shouldn't be a security problem. (Unless the themer makes use of the custom data in such a way - but then that's his problem.)
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