Validating Gallery RSS feed

Hi everyone,
I upgraded to the nightly build to get my comments RSS feed to validate (which it now does) but it looks like the RSS feed for the gallery itself is now invalid.

Here's the validation page:

What can I do?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually we last changed on the feed some weeks ago and that was all about validation.

    Could you please try one thing? Please add the line `$host = htmlentities($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');` after `$themepath='theme'; ` in the file. That is the only difference between both feed (I guess I forgot it...).

    (At least the feed is working for me...)
  • Added it on, still no go :(

    The whole section now looks like this (FYI):

    `require_once(ZENFOLDER . "/template-functions.php");

    $themepath = 'themes';

    $host = htmlentities($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    function fixRSSDate($bad_date) {`

    (the reason I need it to validate is because I have Feedburner turning the feed into HTML and publishing it on my front page:
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The feed actually should validate, but I actually don't know feedburner (heard of, never used).
    I took a look at the three errors the validator shows:

    1. line 126: I don't understand that error at all.

    2. line 178: Seems to be a specififc problem with this description. Have you did something different there? Maybe try to edit it.

    3. line 741: Seems to be a wrong formatted date also specific once. So maybe the date is a wrong exif date maybe. Maybe please try to edit that date manually too.

    You could try to add `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>` to the feed. Another thing I noticed, the feed file should be utf-8 encoded, but your feed file seems to be "Western Roman". This may be the cause for some things, too.
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