Hi, Based on one of the plugin listed at
http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/01/wordpress-plugins/, I have created another plugin to list latest albums with thumb on Wordpress sidebar. It is called MYZenAlbums. Thanks for the creation of ZenPhoto, it's just wonderful!
Download MYZenAlbums:
1. Download and extract.
2. Upload myzenalbums folder to /wp-content/plugins
3. Activate it at your Wordpress dashboard.
4. Configure Settings>MyZenAlbums. It will require db server (normally localhost), db username, db password, and the URL where you install ZenPhoto.
I see that this is a widget. Can it also be used inside templates, so not as a widget?
Also, can the link to the album be pointed to the thumbs page instead of the image page?
I've installed MyZenAlbums on my wordpress website, I've used the myzenalbums(); template to call on the home page, but while it display the right album name and link doesn't display the thumbinail..
What's wrong with my installation?
look at here: http://www.ziguline.com
at the bottom on the right side of the home page
Thank you
As a substitute (not quite the same functionality), I've been using the Flickr Widget at http://wordpress.org/plugins/flickr-widget/ . This will take the RSS feed from Zenphoto, to show the most recent images in the sidebar.
I've been reading http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/plugins/feed/_zp-extensions---rss.php.html , and I see some album feeds, but it looks like the specific album has to be named.
If a feed for the latest albums is available, then I will have come closer to the functionality of MyZenAlbums.
I actually still have a copy of the MyZenAlbums plugin on my laptop. It's presumably licensed under GPL by Basri Mahayedin, who may have now advanced in his career to be too busy to maintain it.
If you intend to "take over" MyZenAlbums or create something new, let us know and we gladly update/add the entry on extensions section.