way to import from gallery2?

I currently have a gallery2 installation that has a little over 10,000 photos. Is there any automated way of migrating to zenphoto?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I fear there isn't, except for this http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=2470&replies=2.
  • From what I can tell, that imports the descriptions, and assumes you already have the images uploaded? What if you have multiple images with the same name?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I can't help with that, this is a third party skript I never tried.

    If you find a way to attach the descriptions etc. to your images as exif data (maybe Gallery is able to do, I don't know) you could simply put the folders with your images into zenphoto's album folder and Zenphoto would use them.
  • Hi, finally I decided to write this Gallery2 to zenphoto migrator. Check it out here: http://apps.ouwu.com/confluence/display/pb/Gallery2+to+ZenPhoto+Migrator

    I just finish the code and tested a bit. Will upload the package in a day or two .
  • That's great! I may test it soon... but I'll wait until you finish your todo list to go live with it. :)
  • I've done most of the features except the comments migration. Demo is available now at the site. http://apps.ouwu.com/confluence/display/pb/Gallery2+to+ZenPhoto+Migrator
  • trisweb Administrator
    That looks very, very cool. Let us know when you have a download available and have tested it a few times, we'd love to announce this in the news section and I'm sure many people would be very interested in using it.
  • alright.
    I've just finished this tool and uploaded to my site. Tested against two instances (1000+ and 6000+ photos each) works for me but I'd love to have more people to test it before the announcement.

    Thank you.
  • This in no way modifies the Gallery albums or database, right? Just want to confirm before I try it :)
  • Is there any way to do this without precaching the images? It doesn't work so well doing it on 10,000 images. Can you just refresh the metadata?

    Sorry, I've never used zenphoto before, so I don't entirely know how it works.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You don't need to precache images! They are cached (= the sized images / thumbs are generated) when someone visits the image the first time.
  • JustinHoMi, correct. The tool does NOT modify the Gallery albums or database. I have the same question about pre-caching images as well. see my post here http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=3559&replies=3

    All images metadata has to be there before using the migration tool. but obviously clicking each one of them is not the solution. I couldn't pre-cache albums that are bigger than say 2000 pics. Does anyone know if we can invoke pre-cache feature via command line?
  • I tried this and it copies the album titles and descriptions but not the image descriptions. Any ideas? My gallery is here:

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Here is a link to a forum thread where a user posted a Perl script to import image descriptions (it's also listed on our extensions page): http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=2470&replies=2
  • Megan, this tool should migrate everything. what does the output say? and did you put a filename for the log? if so you can send me the log file, which contains all the SQL queries.
  • also, did you try to precache the images? metadata for all photos has to be there otherwise the tool can't find records to update.
  • How can you precache an entire, large site? Is there some sort of way to force this? Or should I script it in some way?
  • The best way is not to bother. Why do you think you need to precache it anyway?
  • The only reason I can think of to precache an entire gallery is if someone is trying to convert from Gallery2 to zenphoto using efurban's migration tool. (based on efurbans statement of "All images metadata has to be there before using the migration tool.")

    Also, for efurban - on your site under "Features" you state:

    "migrate photos: titles only (since I don't have descriptions for photos in Gallery2)"

    Wouldn't this likely be the reason image descriptions aren't converting over?
  • krainbolt: you are right, that's exactly why I want to precache. I want to avoid a slow and incorrect migration.
    efurban: it would be interesting to see any clarification on the image descriptions issue, do we need to use the above SQL query or not?
  • What I could do of course is parse the google sitemap and hit all urls it mentions, then precaching will be easy. I can script that without a problem.
    But then the question remains whether the image descriptions are migrated as well, that would make this script perfect!
  • ok. yes. krainbolt, you are right. according to my own description , the migrator only does titles. I'll improve it in my next version. Also, I am thinking of calling the pre-caching function in my tool so it generates the meta data prior to the migration process.
  • Revisiting an old thread, but has any progress happened as far as a "definitive" way of importing from gallery2?

    I've tried gallery3 and while still not really working how I want I noticed the database schema is MUCH easier to understand, so once 3 is released then it may be possible to upgrade to 3 and then write a much simpler query to get all the information.
  • Another prospective G2 convert here... but, I'm much larger in terms of size (200k+ pics, pushing 900GB of mostly RAW images)

    I'd be interested in a working migration tool, but, I need to be certain that all of my full resolution images get moved from one install to the next...

    Obviously, I'll need album names and image titles moved as well.

    If I can assist in testing, please PM or email me.
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