worpress plug-in

I'm thinking about creating a wordpress plug-in to display in the sidebar either a random or the latest photo from the gallery.

Would anyone be interested in this?


  • ummm.. have you done a search on this forum... everyone on this forum seemingly uses wordpress and is looking for zenphoto integration. If you got ideas.. by all means.. you will have testers here:-D
  • lol, I have kind of integrated the system into wordpress (and also SlideShowPro), the only thing I haven't got working is the comments and I'm not shure if I haven't broken the valid markup.

    I'm trying to put up a few pages with instructions.

    check out my gallery.
  • I just got very frustrated. I checked the table zen_images and there's no column to indicate de date of insertion of the photo :/

    I would like to make this request to the creator of zenphoto.

    Meanwhile, I'll have to find another way of chosing a picture.
  • Plugins are such an important part of todays blogging programs. It's not so much a question of "should I", but "how soon".

    Looking forward to integrating the fruits of you labor on my blog!

  • It shouldn't be long now.

    I have the plugin already working as you can see from my blog.

    I'm now building an admin panel for some needed configuration.

    I shouldn't have to way more then 2 days.

    Any sugestions for me to insert?

    I'm still uncertain about the way to select the photo that is displayed.
  • As a suggestion..
    The ability to choose a zenphoto album to post in your blog to show image previews. Wei Chen did a good job at this but for me.. I host a blogging site for my friends.. they would like this too but have had problems with typing in the tags and finding the album name.. some sort of chooser would be cool

    Random Image plugin

    Both of these I have hacked into my sites WP along with hacking zenphoto itself into WP. Official plugins for these type of things would be nice..
  • I'm not shure I understood what you where suggesting but that will be for latter developing.

    Either way, the 1st version of the plugin is available at http://www.ruicruz.com/zenshow/

    Please comment on that page.
    Ideas, bugs, what ever.
  • hellfish,

    Thanks for your efforts in pioneering a plugin for Wordpress.

    Unfortunately at this time, my zenphoto database is in a separate mySQL database and is not within the wordpress database. So I cannot test it.

    You might add this line that appears in the wordpress plugin admin panel to your website so others will know ahead of time:

    <i>For now this plugin only works if zenphoto tables share the same database as wordpress.</i>

    Keep up the good work and let us know about any updates, as I would like to try this out for you.

  • Is it just me or do most people have WP and ZP installed into different databases :\

    Sounds like a great plugin though.
  • Yeah.. it looks nice.. so far so good.
    I too am running both on seperate DB's so I still cannot use it..

    What I was getting at and what(atleast your first release was) were completely different thoughts. Like if you check my site (http://www.chilifrei.net) you will notice that I have a plugin where I need to type in [zp]Gallery Name[/zp] and it displays the gallery that I specify.. My friends would need a "Gallery Selector" where they choose what gallery they want to show.. Kinda like a pop up where they select the gallery.. Like I said.. they have trouble because the have no idea what I am talking about when I say tag. Then when I explain it to them they forget it the next time they want to post..

    As far as your plugin goes. .I do like it.. just a couple of things from my point of view.. As oppesed to Last Photo.. Maybe make it Last Album only because sometimes the last photo and the last photo name doesnt describe what you are trying to show in the album.. being broader basically..

    Also.. maybe the ability for random photo as opposed to last photo..

    The more plugins the merrier.. this gives us more options to customize our sites with.. Just for me.. displaying albums in the post and random image are my big things i guess.
  • Well I see that diferent databases is the priority now. The reason I didn't add that option already is because I still haven't read all the codex documentation, but I will soon.

    Just a remark on my part, please make all you comments from now on in the plugin page


    It will be easier for me to keep track of it.

    Thank you for your suggestions I'll see what I can do for the next release.
  • Good news. I just released v0.4 of the plugin so people that have zenphoto and wordpress in diferent databases can use it.
  • Looks good, although I hope it'll support showing more then one image in the future! :)
  • let your wish be my command :)

    I just added a new mode for showing the photos so now it kinda looks like flickr.

    Check out the new version.

  • Perfect...... now I can stop making one... thanks:-D
  • Hellfish, nice work!

    Saved me hours of head scratching, thank you so much.
  • Schweet! Thanks!
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