Safe Mode Restriction

hi, I have a problem with safe mode resctriction which is activated by default. I can't contactmy hoster because they don't take in chanrge such demands. When I want to upload an image I have the following message:
Zenphoto is unable to perform uploads when PHP Safe Mode restrictions are in effect.

Please help me, I'm Exhaused.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The error message says it all. I suggest to move to another hoster then.
  • You can use FTP to upload your albums and images. Also, the error message is perhaps a little overstated. Try the upload and see if it works. On some safe mode restricted sites it will work.
  • enams Member
    That's what i do but i want to create an account fo some visitors that will help me in my website, and i still don't know them and i don't want to give them the ftp configuration. So is there a way to deactivate the PHP Safe Mode Restriction?
  • You will have to talk to your ISP about disabling PHP Safe mode. It can be done, but must be done in the PHP configuration.
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