RSS not working after upgrade/multilingual

Not sure whether this is the correct subforum, but I'll try anyway:

I recently upgraded to ZP and use a modified zp-gallerific theme. With the upgrade I also switched on multilingual support and since then I get an empty page when I follow the rss-links (it definitely worked before).

The problem persists if I switch to default theme. I am a bit reluctant to switch off multilingual support as I don't know what it is going to do to my 2nd language content.

So far, I read
but couldn't make any starting points from there. I also added
<?php printZenpageRSSLink("NewsWithImages","","","RSS"); ?> as suggested here but got an empty feed, too.

My site is at

Anything I overlooked? Many thanks for any helpful pointers!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, current release is 1.4.4. We cannot really help with older release due to limited resources.

    If this is a bug it will be fixed in So please upgrade. I will try to reproduce it with the current support build.

    (PS: You should submit your site to the showcase gallery later).
  • Thanks acrylian, I'll upgrade to 1.4.4 in the evening and let you know if the issue is gone.

    Just to make sure though: you haven't heard from anyone else with similar issues after switching on multilingual and/or using 1.4.3?

    (PS: Just submitted to showcase gallery, cheers)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, I don't know of any rss multilingual issues reported yet. The only rss bug was regarding the comments rss feed for images which is fixed in the support build already.

    If you get the same issue with 1.4.4 I will try to reproduce and confirm it.
  • Yay, RSS is back in 144! Thanks for you help.

    Spotted a little typo along the way, though: during installation I got the following error message

    This setting may result in PHP error messages being displayed on WEB pages. These displays may contain sentsitive information about your site. Click here to acknowledge that you wish to ignore this issue. It will then become a warning.

    »sensitive« has one t too many.
  • ...and just to be sure: does one get a different rss feed depending on whether logged in or not?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, RSS only contains info that is public (published and unprotected) since it is read outside of Zenphoto generally.
  • Strange. I seem to get different content depending on logged in or not. You can see the two files at

    Is this a bug then?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Do you read your rss with the browser you are loggedin? Only then that could happen. But otherwiser rss is outside of Zenphoto. I for example read rss via a special rss reader that has no access to any login status. And our rss does not support loggin or authentification on purpose.
  • yes, same browser. so not to worry, then?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, the rss is also not cached if loggedin. But if you like check with another browser or tool.
  • Thanks mate!
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