Upgraded to 1.1.6, lost all galleries

Hi. I just upgraded from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6 on a LAMP stack. The upgrade went smoothly except for one thing. I seemed to have lost all of the photos and galleries. The landing page is now blank and when I look in the admin panel, it says

Gallery Stats
0 images.
0 albums.

Did I somehow miss a step in the upgrade?

*** okay, i did miss a step. the albums folder in the upgraded location was empty. i copied the folder contents from backup and now need to read them back in.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Also check that you entered the same database info like username, db name, prefix etc. so that you get all may be already entered descriptions, title and so on back.
  • It looks like the garbageCollect function did its job. Since my album directory was empty, it deleted all of the references to the images that were stored in the database. I'm able to get that from a backup, so it's not an issue.

    And I learned an important lesson about keeping the album folder when upgrading. For some reason I thought that the images were stored in the database, not in the filesystem. I'll remember that come the next upgrade.
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