I just uploaded some new photos, and the date on the album stayed at 6/21/08. Is that normal? What's the point of showing the album date if it's always the same?
Ignore my last comment, I upgraded to 1.2.1 and I now see the admin option "Use latest image date". I set that to "on" and refreshed my metadata, but the album date still uses an older date.
`if (is_null($alb->getDateTime())) {`
The original concept was that the album date would represent when the album was created.
`$this->album->setDateTime(strftime('%Y/%m/%d %T', filemtime($this->localpath)));
1. the option is really set
2. the date (as shown in the image list) of your photo.
If #1 is set and #2 does not match the album date then there is a problem. However, On the current nightly build it works for me.