I've searched the board but I just don't get it :
In the admin section where you can edit the datas about an album, there's a field called "location".
Could someone tell me how to display it in the album.php ?
This is probably simple, but I'm looking for it for hours...
Thank you.
I use the last stable version (not a nightly).
for example :
www.url.tld/album-containing-only-subalbums/subalbum-with-images : fine I get it
www.url.tld/album-containing-only-subalbums : nothing is displayed
Does this function must be in a special loop or something like that ?
If I understand, to display every field "location" of the subalbums listed in album.php, I can't do it in the same way that in a specific album, a custom function is required, right ?
So I must try to get these datas using $subalbums but I can't see something about it in the doc.
Sorry to ask again but any help would be really appreciated.
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle()); ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php echo printAlbumDesc(); ?>" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getAlbumTitle();?>">``<?php echo getAlbumData('location');?>``
<?php echo getAlbumCustomData( );?><?php echo getNumImages( ); ?> photos
<?php endwhile; ?>
Don't worry I have many dumb questions to ask.
Thanks for your time.