svn 24 Jun

I didn't see listed a nightly build for last night. Was there one?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I see one..:-)
  • The script that updates the release number appears not to have run. However there was a nightly created. Since the release number did not get updated, This nightly will show the same release number as from the previous night and setup will not automatically run. You should run setup manually if you install this release.
  • I didn't see a nightly build to download except the one I has svn1779 so didn't bother to update today. No problem.

    I saw "nightly build svn1779 (23-Jun)" then fixes after that meaning they'll be in the next night's build (24-Jun). Didn't see the build line.
  • trisweb Administrator
    I've fixed the problem and re-compiled the nightly, so today's is up early. It will be again regenerated at 11pm PST as usual.
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