Delete Photo while viewing album?

Rather than going through the Admin section, is there something I can add to my theme to delete an image while viewing the album?

Ie; if I'm viewing and decide I don't want a certain image anymore, rather than going and finding it through the admin section, I could just delete it right there?

There doesn't seem to be any option to delete in the "Admin Toolbox".

Forgive my ignorance, I'm still learning the application


  • if you are actually viewing the image, that is you are on the image.php page, there should be a delete image link in the admin toolbox.
  • I don't get the delete image link.

    I drill down from the top level -> album view -> sub-album -> specific image (I've got the .htaccess pretty URLs, so it's not 'technically' image.php), and no "delete image" in my admin toolbox.
  • Check - if I change to different theme, the same page gives me the delete image link.

    Maybe I'm using the wrong admin toolbox on my image.php page?
  • I don't know. The toolbox is from template-functions.php. What theme fails?
  • Is there something in the header/footer of the image.php page that tells the AdminToolbox which options to display?

    I compared my image.php (from my theme) to the one from the theme that works, and can't see anything that I'm missing in mine.

    I'm stumped.
  • It's a custom theme that I made myself, based off of the "example" theme
  • I tried everything I could think of.

    If I take out all of the code in my index.php page, except for the admintoolbox, it still shows the wrong toolbox (Admin Toolbox
    Sort gallery
    New album

    However, if I copy all of the code from a different image.php theme, it works correctly.

    What tag is the toolbox looking for, in the page, that tells the toolbox that the page is the image.php page?
  • What version of zp are you running? There is convoluted code for the toolbox to figure out what kind of page is displaying. It finally got simplified in the nightly builds so that the root index.php sets a variable to the name of the page. This is then checked in printAdminToolbox().

    So, you might want to try the nightly builds.
  • I was using 1.1.6

    I'm uploading the nightly build from 06-25 now, to see if that makes a difference. I don't think it will, but who knows.

    Not that it's a deal breaker for using the software, I'd just like to be able to delete images from the album view.

    If I can't get the toolbox to work, is there a way I can show a "delete" link only to an admin on login? WordPress makes it pretty easy to add "edit" links to admins logged in, can Zen Photo do that?
  • @sbillard, thanks for your help.

    Upgrading to the nightly build from 06/25 worked.
    I can now delete images by viewing them.

    Appreciate the (extremely quick) help!
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