protected gallery

Hi there,

searched for an answer here, but didn't find anything.
So my question:

To protect my whole gallery with a password, I have to set one in the admins / options / config gallery / Gallery Password.

I tested it at Firefox and it works very well.
I tested it at IE 6 and IE 7 and in this browsers I had to enter the password on every single album.

Is there a way, that visitors just have to enter the password one time by entering the gallery and not on every single album? Like Firefox does...

thanks a lot!


  • Hi there,

    it seems, that it depends just on the configuration of the browser.
    Accepting the cookies was the answer.

  • Yes, if the browser does not accept cookies zenphoto does not "remember" the password. You can set the "use sessions" (not sure of the 'spelling') option if you wish. Then at least for the viewer's curent session he will need to login only once.
  • What is this "use session"?
    Is it in the configuration tool or have I to write something in the index.php???

    Couldn't find it in the gallery configuration...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    "enable sessions" or similar on the gallery configuration admin option tab.
  • It is the `Enable gallery sessions` option at the bottom of the gallery configuration tab.
  • i have also a problem with a subalbum which is protected.

    I protected it, but every time i want to login in, the gallery refreshes itself and starts at the first page again....

    strange..before i changed to 2.0 it worked perfect.

    ;) before someone is saying YES i wrote the passwort the right way.

    If you have any suggestions it would be great

  • You are correct. Wonder why no one ever noticed this before. We will correct it in tonight's build
  • Hello,

    I've checked "Enable Gallery Session" but the problem with protected album persists...

    What can I do to solve this troube ?

    Thanks for help :)

  • I've solved the problem :

    - Download the last nightly built (
    - Delete all the files from your FTP and /album/ if you've not already upload photos.
    - Upload the nightly built
    - Run the and re-type your login database information.
    - Come back to your gallery to test protected albums. For me, it's working :)

    Note : I had test on IE6.0, IE7.0 and Firefox 3.0. I'd test with and without the "Enable Gallery Sessions"

    Sorry for my english. I'm french.

    Zen photo is a good job ! Congratulations and thanks !

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