Can ZenPHOTO be used on part on a website?

Can I use ZenPhoto on just one page of a multi-page website?
I want to add a photo gallery but really don't need/want a CMS for the rest of the site which is static

Forgive this dumb question but I have only just started looking into content management systems and the more I research the more confused I get. I have developed a website (not live yet) using Dreamweaver and Project VII extensions. I do not think the code would easily transfer to any CMS (of course I could be wrong and I would be happy to be!!)

Any advice and help would be wonderful
Huge thanks in advance


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you make Zenphoto look like the rest of your site no visitor will notice. In any case you will have to create a Zenphoto theme to do so:

    If your code is easily transferrable is quite relative. If using Dreamweaver means you don't know how to write code manually that is probably not easy (No idea what Project VII is).
  • Thanks for the reply acrylian - much appreciated!

    Although I use Dreamweaver, apart from the initial design I actually spend most of my time at the code level HTML/CSS/PHP and some JS. I like Dreamweaver because I have instant click access to all the files associated with a page. I haven't got the confidence to dive in and create anything other than a simple website, so I got some templates and menu systems from Project VII which I changed quite radically.

    I understand the concept of a CMS but cannot get my head round its use and implementation. I've tried reading some of the documentation but it just doesn't sink in. Is there a Zenphoto guide for complete dunces??

    Long explanation, short question - sorry!
    I fear this newbie may test patience to the limit
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We use a development tool named NetBeans (and before Eclipse) that also shows all files associated with a project. Both have no WYSIWYG view and are developer tools. Also both are open source and therefore free.

    We have theming tutorial and on GitHubZenphoto is actually quite straightforward regarding basic theming. But as with any CMS - all are a bit different - you need to invest some time to get into. If you have coding background that should not be that hard. Look at the default theme for the simplest theme and at the demo theme files linked within the tutorial for the start.
  • Thanks once again acrylian,

    I will do as you say and use the theming tutorial.
    Trying to run before I could walk.

    I'm sure I will be back with more inane questions but on content rather than concept!!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
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