Was playing with the guest login and somehow went to test. Afterwards, logged in again as ADMIN but my PRIVILEGES WERE GONE. I cannot see the Themes or Edit tabs. When I look at the Gallery Admin options, check marks are missing! I cannot get the Admin login page for ZP just the prompt to login into the gallery in general.


  • Use the password reset feature to get you back in as an admin. Then be sure you have set the appropriate rights for your admin user.
  • \ I upgraded to last night's build and got the admin reset.The RESET Captcha is not legible (too small) which I believe was raised before. I have my nose to the screen to almost see the characters. Nor does it tell you where to enter it. As login or password or both. Never had to use so had no idea.

    I AM LOCKED OUT because of this.
  • You could always try both!
    see http://www.zenphoto.org/2007/12/troubleshooting-zenphoto/#16

    But what you probably did is make your test admin into the master, so try logging in with that ID.
  • <QUOTE>If you supplied an email address in the Admin options there should be a link on the log-on page that will email you a link to reset your password.

    I have NEVER seen this option anywhere. I did set my email address but recall it said it was for RSS use purposes.

    Will now have to bravely follow deleting stuff from the tables which I assume means using Dreamhost phpMyAdmin access and picking zp_XXXX
  • `Delete the Administrators table.`
    I did.
    `You may also have to delete the rows of the Option table where the name field is adminuser and adminpass if they exist in your installation`
    Not sure where I was suppose to look but clicked on zp_Options and didn't see anything. ?????
    `Then visit the admin page. You will be prompted to enter a new admin user name and password.`
    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `zp_administrators` WHERE `user` = 'admin' ) Failed. Error:Table 'rbcphotos.zp_administrators' doesn't exist

    OF COURSE IT DOESN"T I was told in the instructions to delete it.

    ` Now be sure there is an email address to send the reset link the next time!`
    There always was one for administrator
  • Okay, got setup to run, prompted to create Admin login/password, it ran. Got in BUT LIMITED TABS still. Edit and Themes are missing still.

    Options: Admin Information
    Admin: Rights: User Admin & upload only checked. When I check the others and save, it reverts back to only the 2 checked.
  • We have updated the trouble shooting guide. It should have had the step of running setup.php.

    Also have fixed the problem that got you here in the first place. Fix will be in tonight's build.

    The email address is for multiple use. It is the admin contact.
  • So, this is a sign I'm spending too much time playing with ZP. Okay, break time until I p/u tonight's build.

    PS: I did run setup.php over and over again to get the Admin password page prompt. Didn't know any other way :)

    Will test sometime tomorrow and fingers crossed. No idea what happened. I'll create 2 admin accounts this time! Thought I'd already done that.
  • Didn't know "in the background" an email was sent with a URL to reset password. Clicked it, got to login page however NO BETTER. Still didn't give me full admin privileges!!! Weird????

    While in Admin info created new all-access user. Log out. Log in. No better. Viewed info and saw new user is labelled "Master" but not all privileges granted, even though all were checked when created.
  • Things have gone from bad to worse. Attempted update svn1808 however when asked to enter login'/password did not accept OR offer me Captcha! Followed the instructions in the link you gave and deleted zp_administrators table. See no reference to adminusers or adminpass in zp_options. Do see ref to password in the former zp_administrators.

    Now what?????
  • You should be able to run setup.php to recreate the administrators table then run admin.php and enter a new user/password.
  • Setup only runs to login/password then won't accept the last created one (which didn't have full rights). I cannot get reset, it's gone!
  • Just tried Safari (instead of Firefox). ALL BETTER!! No idea what happened with Firefox even with empty cookies & cache.

    Will now create 2nd user with all rights!!!
  • With regained access, some points:

    * larger Captcha is needed! Not everyone has 20/20 eyesight
    * need note where to enter the Captcha > login and/or password fields
    * need to also note that email will be sent to that provided to complete reset process
    * ref to the URL http://www.zenphoto.org/2007/12/troubleshooting-zenphoto/#16 if totally locked out

    given this is on the Admin page, general visitors won't ever see these notations
  • PHP does not provide a larger font in its GDI support. Someone who knows how to overcome this will have to address your first point.

    Will update the login form so that it is more obvious where to enter the captcha. Also will make the text indicate that you will get an email.

    Won't add the link. First, your problem was caused by a bug in the nightly build (It does say that they might not be stable!) The procedure in the trouble shooting guide did not work for you until I fixed the bug. Second, we expect people to have read http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=2831&replies=2. Which points out this trouble shooting guide.
  • Wasn't aware it was a bug. Never gave thought to that, honestly. I am still trying to get my head about the whole password & visitor thing so thought I did something. I know you have 'beware' and do the svn updates always knowing that, this was just too coincidental.

    Thanks for your help! Was panic mode as you can imagine.
  • You are welcome, and yes, I can imagine your panic. Also, would not have know about the bug except for your experience, so we thank you as well for trying the nightly build.
  • Would I have been able to "restore" (for lack of better word) my images, sort order, descriptions to a new database sans whatever contained the password if worst-case-scenario happened (given I didn't know about bug)? Or would the applicable tables still be locked? I was getting creative while wating for your replies <SMILE>
  • Your tables were never locked. Only your access as administrator. (Even that should not have been locked, just the wrong permissions.) If your tables were locked you would not have been able to view your site. In fact, if you had restored your complete database from before you were experimenting with extra users, all would have been good. Saving the new user was the cause of your problems as it also 'saved' the primary admin with the wrong permissions.
  • How can you tell what build you are currently running? I installed zenPhoto a few weeks ago and somehow I recently got my admin account messed up. I think I may have typed my password wrong when I was changing it for my client but I don't see the captcha code to enter to send me the password or to reset it. I swear I have seen it before but now it's not showing up at all.
  • On the Admin pages at the bottom is the release info.

    As for the Captcha code, is there an admin email setup? If not there is no place to send the email so the code does not show.
  • there should be an email, I am pretty sure that I put it in there. And of course since I can't get to the admin area I can not check the version.

    Is it possible to retrieve or reset the admin password in another manner?
  • Ok, so I figured something out. If you forgot to enter an email for the admin why not just get into the db and hard code an address? I did this and was presented with the captcha code upon refresh, entered the code and was informed that am email had been sent.

    However, when I use the URL I am of course presented with the admin login info and am able to change it. But in doing so I get loged out of the system (expected this) but the new info that I entered does not work. I have gone through this process 4 or 5 times now and each time the new password that I save doesn't work.

  • have you looked at http://www.zenphoto.org/2007/12/troubleshooting-zenphoto/#16? Specially the part about the admin user/password that might be in the options table?
  • I actually deleted the administration table, reran setup and went through that process. It's working now but I just wish I knew what had gone wrong in the first place to corrupt the data.
  • sbillard: I read about this "options table" but I couldn't find what to look for using myPHPAdmin (or whatever it's called). I did a search of the page and nothing said "admin..." yet that step seemed perfectly logical.

    spencerjw: remember to delete all cookies & empty browser cache too. Doesn't hurt!
  • There may be an adminuser and/or adminpass entry in the options table. But then again, there may not be since more recent versions of zenphoto purge it. So, if you did not find it, all is good.
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