Paypal setup

Hello folks. Firstly a huge thank you for a top facility. I have manage to get Paypal buttons to appear on my images, but when I use one of them I get a 'nasty' Paypal screen telling me that the email address I am trying to post to is invalid. I suspect that I'm not updating the zenPaypal.php file correctly.

I have updated the first instance of the zenPaypal_userid field underneath the $pricelist = array as follows:

setOptionDefault('zenPaypal_userid', "");

Can you advise whether I have done the update in the right place and in the correct format?

Sorry if it is a dumb question, but I am a complete newbie when it comes to php.

Thx, Huw


  • You should not be modifying the zenpaypal.php file at all. All these options are set through the admin interface. Go to the options tab then to plugin opitons. As to what the paypal userid should look like, someone else will have to answer.
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