Path setting and "404 Not Found"

I just installed ZenPhoto 1.1.6 on a Xubuntu (Linux 2.6.24-19) box and seem to have it installed as expected. The http://localhost/zenphoto/zp-core/setup.php script shows all is fine (green).

I successfully uploaded some pics and created a newalbum. I can view my Gallery with a newalbum populated. When I click on my album I get a 404 Not Found error (The requested URL /zenphoto/newalbum/ was not found on this server.)

I have also tried modifying zp-core/zp-config.php and uncommenting
define('WEBPATH', '/zenphoto');
define('SERVERPATH', '/var/www/zenphoto');
I noticed the hyperlink seems to be missing "albums" in it i.e it appears to point to heep://localhost/zenphoto/mynewalbum and not http://localhost/zenphoto/albums/newalbum

Can someone suggest what to change to get this path fixed ?

Thanks in advance.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    `http://localhost/zenphoto/mynewalbum' is actually the correct mod_rewrite url to an album named mynewalbum, there is no "albums" supposed to be there (the none mod_rewrite link would be `http://localhost/zenphoto/index.php?album=mynewalbum`. Sure that your server supports mod_rewrite or that you have the .htaccess file? Try turning modrewrite off in the admin options.
  • Thanks alot! I first updated .htaccess and it didn't behave differently. Then I unchecked mod_rewrite in the admin options and it worked.

    Just one more question: I currently have my zenphoto albums on my /var/www/zenphoto/albums directory. I want my albums to reside on another disk partition. Should I set symbolic links or will I upset Zenphoto ? Or is there some configuration file updated I need to make ?
  • I tried symbolic links and it all works fine.

    Thanks again.
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