Album upload date in album.php template?

cunami Member

in album.php template file, while iterating with "while(next_album())" - is there a way to get the album creation date? The important here is that I want to get date, when album was created/uploaded - but not when images in it were created. I do uploads of various albums, which were taken in different times, but on albums list I would like to see "NEW!!!" written to latest uploaded albums, which upload dates are not older than X days...

Is there an easy way to implement such feature in templates or I need to develop a plugin for this functionalitty.

Thanks in advance!


  • There is an album date associated with each album. It depending on options it may be the date the album was last changed or it may be the date of the latest image in the album. You can retrieve this date with the function `getAlbumDate()` within the album loop. You can also get the `mtime` of the album with the following code `$mtime = filemtime(getAlbumFolder());` `mtime` is the date/time of the last change of the folder. Unix systems have no 'creation date` so `mtime` is the best approximate.
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