I am using the Effervescence theme and can't get rid of the zenphoto logo coming up in some galleries in the header random image on top. If I delete the image from the database it just comes back, anyone have this problem and is there a fix,
You can also delete the following code from customfunctions.php
` if (is_null($randomImage) || checkforPassword(silent)) {
$randomImage= new Image(new Album(new Gallery(), ''), 'zen-logo.jpg' );
This will leave you with no heading image if the `getRandomImage()` function does not find one.
I deleted that code and then no header image shows in two albums but does in one.
I can live without the header image but kind of like it
I also have refreshed the database a few times before deleting that code and still shows the zenlogo, also when I remove it from the database table it just comes back.
It's an odd thing, and I will continue to investigate if you have no more ides.
thanks again,
What are the characteristics of the two albums where no image shows up?
the albums are set the same as far as I know, I put this site up for my mother and she just loves it btw!,
I put that code back so the header will show.
I may just redo these albums, or try another theme, I like the custom logo feature of this one though,
thanks for your time and sorry for any trouble sbillard!