"Images per page" setting not working?

Hi, it seems that the setting to control the number of images on each album page (in the theme options page of the admin area) is behaving very strangely. It doesn't seem to directly control the number of thumbnails displayed - either in my custom theme or in the examples included with zp. How is this thing supposed to work? Is there an option somewhere that I've missed?

Thanks for your help! Aside from this problem, zp has been a pleasure to work with (I'm not a programmer at all); I'm very glad I found it.



  • bloody! Ok I guess I figured it out - if I change the define('IMAGECOLUMNS', 10); value in album.php I get the result I want. Dunno why but it works, thanks anyway guys!
  • mmm, nope. That was just in the Effervescence+ theme, it doesn't work in normal themes. So I'm still having the same problem.
  • Hmm, I'm still missing something I guess. As far as I understand the doc,
    $firstPageImages = normalizeColumns(2, 5);
    in album.php should give me an album thumbnail view five columns wide. And I guess if I set the theme options to be a non-multiple of five, zp will round to the nearest even row (assuming there're enough images to display.) Do I understand that correctly? And the first argument, '2' in this case, sets albums (subalbums?) to take up two thumbnail positions in the album view? Here's the problem, using an unmodified 'Example' theme album.php:

    I've set the second argument in the normalizeColumns function to '5', and the "Images per page" option to '10.' But album.php displays 14 thumbnails. I don't understand?

    Thanks again for your help!
  • Both parameters specify the number of columns that will be displayed. The first parameter is how many columns are used for displaying albums/subalbum thumbnails. The second how many columns will be displayed for image thumbnails.

    Of course these numbers must match what the theme CSS defines.

    In the case of the Effervescence+ theme the CSS has defined space for three album thumbnails in a row and for five imate thumbnails in a row. Both the albums per page and images per page settings are modified to fill out rows. But as well, when you get to the page where the number of albums will not fill out the page and there are images, you will get a mix of albums and images. Basically the number of album rows used on that page are debited from the total number of image rows that would go on an image only page and the left over rows are filled with image thumbs.

    So, if you set albums per page to 9 you will get three rows of albums max. If you set images per page to 15 you will also get three rows of images. On the transition page you will get three rows, some albums other images.
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