Got this after "GO", just installed now 03-Jul. I'm already downloading next update from 02 Jul so not bothering. Just in case it is something for you to fix that carries over.
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zp_options` (name, value, ownerid) VALUES ('image_size','595','.6.') ) Failed. Error:Duplicate entry 'image_size-0' for key 2
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zp_options` (name, value, ownerid) VALUES ('image_size','595','.6.') ) Failed. Error:Duplicate entry 'image_size-0' for key 2
`define('ALBUM_OPTIONS_TABLE', false);`
Something is not right with your theme options but so far I have not been able to reproduce the problem.
I'm in phpMyAdmin under my database name showing (14). Each is listed as zp_AlbumX_options. When I click it lists id, name, value.
I see Theme_colors. I see Theme_logo and Theme_personality. are these the 3 you mean for every album I have? What about the Gallery page which has its own theme?
Or, would it help if I changed the Theme_color to Default?
Not been available to try the drop of the tables to correct my problem. I now see you're into 1.1.7 release. Do I still proceed to drop before updating will work?