svn 1845 Jul 01 ZP error

Got this after "GO", just installed now 03-Jul. I'm already downloading next update from 02 Jul so not bothering. Just in case it is something for you to fix that carries over.

Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zp_options` (name, value, ownerid) VALUES ('image_size','595','.6.') ) Failed. Error:Duplicate entry 'image_size-0' for key 2


  • svn 1867 Guess prolem is now urgent.

    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zp_options` (name, value, ownerid) VALUES ('image_size','595','.6.') ) Failed. Error:Duplicate entry 'image_size-0' for key 2
  • For now, change line 7 of functions.php to read:
    `define('ALBUM_OPTIONS_TABLE', false);`

    Something is not right with your theme options but so far I have not been able to reproduce the problem.
  • the workaround didn't work. Entered user/password and the attempt for connecting timed out.
  • Ok, your album themes seem corrupted. You will need to go back to the version without the change above. But first you will have to go into your database and drop all the rows in each of the album theme tables. (Well, only the corrupted ones, but who knows which they are.)
  • Sorry, could you please clarify as I don't fully understand.

    I'm in phpMyAdmin under my database name showing (14). Each is listed as zp_AlbumX_options. When I click it lists id, name, value.

    I see Theme_colors. I see Theme_logo and Theme_personality. are these the 3 you mean for every album I have? What about the Gallery page which has its own theme?

    Or, would it help if I changed the Theme_color to Default?
  • You need to drop each row of the tables. So for each zp_AlbumX_options you need to make it an empty table. You need not worry about the gallery.
  • Lucky Dreamhost just implemented a one-step backup for domains, including databases :) Will do (table dropping) as soon as I'm able and let you know.
  • Hi there,
    Not been available to try the drop of the tables to correct my problem. I now see you're into 1.1.7 release. Do I still proceed to drop before updating will work?
  • You can try the current nightly build. Who knows it might behave differently. But probably you will still need to drop the ROWS {not the tables} since things seem corrupted.
  • OOps, dropped TABLES. I'm in. Will reset my preferences which I guess are gone (not theme of course). Access restored which is important. Now can discover all the changes. Thanx.
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