Hi, I installed zenphoto locally and have a problem with page number 1 and navigation links (disabled) showing up on my gallery and album pages when they should not.
My admin theme options is set to 25 albums per page and 25 images per album and I have
normalizeColumns(5, 5). I use printPageListWithNav.
I get pages with 25 thumbs, as expected (my css is designed to display 5 thumbs per row), however:
- for may gallery page, even though I have only one page with 5 albums, so I have only one page, I get prev and next links (disabled) and a page number (1).
- same as above for my album page, if I have fewer than 25 images in it, in other words if I have only one page showing.
- if I have more than one page for the album page e.g. 3 pages, I get the three page numbers and the links;
-- the prev link is displayed (disabled) even if I am on page one (it should not be displayed);
-- the next link is displayed (disabled) even if I am on the last page (it should not be displayed).
If the prev and next links must show, even when the first or last pages is the current one, then perhaps one option would be for it to navigate to the previous or next album, if there is one, or to the gallery if not.
I can not provide a link to my gallery, since I am still testing it locally on my PC.
Also you could use the separate functions for prev, next, etc. Please take a look at our functions guide.