Hallo. In my hosting providers infinite wisdom they managed to delete all the files from my server. The mySQL database is still intact. What would be the best way to reinstate ZP? Initially I had it installed in a subdirectory www.mydomain.com/gallery/. Seeing as I am starting from scratch I will probably install it to the root directory. Will this cause any confusion if I use the same mySQL?
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT `value` FROM `zp_options` WHERE `name`='admin_reset_date' AND `ownerid`=0 ) Failed. Error:Unknown column 'ownerid' in 'where clause'
I presume this is because the old database entries are confusing things. How can I get past this without recreating new entries in the db?
It might be best for you to upgrade to the nightly build from last night. I believe this build will automatically fix this issue.
Anyway, back to your first question. If you do not change the album structure of your gallery, just reload the albums and images via FTP. Just to be safe, once you have them all uploaded, run a Database Refresh. This will clean out any database entries that no longer have images/albums in the folders.
1. The album folder names and the image filenames must *exactly* match the old ones.
2. You have to be using the same database and prefix. I think you've got this already.
Otherwise Zenphoto won't recognize any of the titles/descriptions as it will create new entries in the db for the new images.
Also, there's a chance the old entries (which are now orphaned) will be cleaned up and deleted. So if you haven't already, I recommend backing up your database tables.
Another glitch...I had it set before to disallow viewing of the full image. For some reason it is now allowing it to link to the full image.
-->Edit - Just noticed it appears to be running 1.15 updating now to see what happens. It looks as if the photos added after 1.16 are the ones missing descriptions.