printdownloadLink for image download

Hi. I'm trying to add a download link to the current image, ie. the image being viewed. I tried inserting the following line into my theme's image.php but it appears to download a link and not a jpeg image as I'm expecting.

<?php printdownloadLink($_zp_current_image->getFullImageURL()) ?>

Also, how can I modify this to print the word 'download' instead of the image name? Thank you!

What I'd like to do is have a 'Download' button that will download the current image.


  • The second parameter (optional) to the function is the link text. Always a good idea to look at the function documentation for functions you wish to use.

    The function will output an href. But you can turn that into a button by appropriate CSS. E.g. add a `... around the function call output and in your CSS define the css for`mybutton`. A good starting point would be the`buttons` css class in one of the distributed themes.
  • Yes, the documentation says:


    What parameter can I use for 'path-to-file' that will pass the current image to the function and produce a jpeg image?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, the documentation says:
    Not sure where you looked but the documentation does note the 2nd parameter as my colleague said above:
    hat parameter can I use for 'path-to-file' that will pass the current image to the function and produce a jpeg image?
    As you did it will get the full image.
  • Okay, I'll spell it out. The line (from above):
    <?php printdownloadLink($_zp_current_image->getFullImageURL()) ?>

    is producing:
    Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for /photography/albums/all/avocado_awesomeness.jpg in /home/user/public_html/photography/zp-core/zp-extensions/downloadList.php on line 496
    avocado_awesomeness.jpg (0 Bytes) - 0 downloads

    The line:
    <?php printdownloadLink(getFullImageURL()) ?>

    is producing:
    photography (4 kB) - 3 downloads

    When I click this link a blank unknown document is downloaded, not a photo.

    What else can I try? Thank you.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    `$_zp_current_image->getFullImageURL()` is actually wrong. The method to use is named `getFullImage()`. So it can't work. You should have had an error in the server error log about that. A fatal one actually.

    As to the 2nd you should also look into your server error log.
  • Still not working.

    <?php printdownloadLink(getFullImage()) ?>

    is producing:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function getFullImage() in /home/user/public_html/photography/themes/zpmasonry/image.php on line 69

    What else?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, of course. You really need to read what we tell and look at the documentation
    `$_zp_current_image->getFullImage()` (object model way)
    `getFullImageURL()` (template function way - if you use this be sure not to protect the full image url - use getUnprotectedImageURL() in that case)
    gets the url to the full image in single image context.
  • Sorry, I'm giving up. None of the code you have given me has produced a jpeg image. I'm getting warning messages and empty files.

    <?php printdownloadLink($_zp_current_image->getFullImage() ) ?>

    <?php printdownloadLink(getFullImageURL()) ?>

    <?php printdownloadLink(getUnprotectedImageURL() ) ?>
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to look at your server access and error log to find anything related and make sure the image is accessible (file permissions)
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