At I
* use a modified zpGgalleriffic theme
* use menu_manager for my main menu
* recently switched on a second language (German).
When I am logged in, everything works fine. When I am logged out English is still fine but I experience strange behaviour in German in two places:
a) I get an extra menu item »Neuigkeiten« that is not there in EN
b) At top left instead of my site name I get links »Home« and »Galerie«.
I changed the php a year ago so I would keep the site name instead of links to Home/Gallery – I can't remember exactly what I did though, but again: when logged in, none of this happens when switching languages.
Screenshots are here: ideas? Thanks!
b) Sorry, if it appears there must be a call for it and that would be language independent.
ul id="thesitetitle"
a href="/news" Neuigkeiten /a
ul id="thesitetitle"
li id="newslist"
a href="/news" News /a
In EN newslink is enclosed in li#newslist, which in my css has display:none. In German this li is missing, hence the item got displayed.
As I toyed around heavily with the theme's code I can't say whether I broke something or not, but in any case acrylian set me on the right track, thanks.
Yesterday I fixed problem b): »At top left instead of my site name I get links »Home« and »Galerie«.«
Somewhere I think I read that in multi lingual mode zenphoto uses main language content if secondary language content is empty, so in options -> gallery I just left the German field for »Gallery title« blank. Turns out once I fill it, problem b) goes away.
according to me, the main problem is that zpGalleriffic uses some strings which are not translated.
so whatever language used, the string stays as it is (in english, natural language of the theme creator).
if you overwrite the strings with your natural language (german as example), english user will seen the string in this new language.
I have the same issue with zpArdoise and I managed some specific translations with gettext_th (but I haven't do that for all languages)
Did you try an official theme? This is really the first you need to do (besides looking into error logs) if you encounter an issue to make sure it is the theme.