Zenphoto for documents

I know the name of this app is zen*photo* but hey it does video too apparently ;)

has anyone ever tried to adapt it to be a documeent repository as well as an image library - I ask because I'd like to use this for a client but now they want document storage too (sigh!)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, images and videos are very close related you have to admit (that it does mp3s also is only because the flash players used for this do). What kind of documents do you mean? But I actually guess you would have to use another program for that.
  • Connie Member
    there are so many systems for document storage, have a look at hotscripts.com

    I would not start to force one job to do another job just because both would use uploading functionality + database etc.

    you will always have problems and it will never satisfy the needs really

    for documents you will need a "dynamic web based filemanage" and that you will find at http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_Programs/Documents/index.html
    for sure
  • blancy Member
    thanks for the pointers
  • blancy Member
    I'll have a look through those tomorrow. Out of interest, is anyone aware of a single app that can manage both images and docs.

    (Not trying to diss ZenPhoto - From my period of playing around with it it is great)
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