I've installed ZP 3 times, trying to get this to work. On my last install the only issue was the Apache compatable message, but it only had a question mark, so I assume everything should still work.(?)
I can get to my Admin page, etc.. but when I after I upload a pic,
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in

\hosting\member\pageplayer\site1\usersboards\zp-core\admin-upload.php on line 32
Warning: move_uploaded_file(D:/hosting/member/pageplayer/site1/usersboards/albums/test/Angledview16.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in

\hosting\member\pageplayer\site1\usersboards\zp-core\admin-upload.php on line 45
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php2F99.tmp' to 'D:/hosting/member/pageplayer/site1/usersboards/albums/test/Angledview16.jpg' in

\hosting\member\pageplayer\site1\usersboards\zp-core\admin-upload.php on line 45
Zenphoto Error
The album couldn't be created in the 'albums' folder. This is usually a permissions problem. Try setting the permissions on the albums and cache folders to be world-writable using a shell: chmod 777 /albums//cache/, or use your FTP program to give everyone write permissions to those folders.
I've tried setting permissions through FTP, but that program disconnects while doing so.
I've also tried setting permissions though my host control panel, (webhost4life.com)
but I have no idea how to do so. (I'm a web newbie)
I've also tried creating a folder via ftp in the "albums" folder and then loading a image in that folder.. The folder shows up in the galley, but still no pic.
Help me please..