svn 1947
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/zen/themes/defaultRBC/styles/light.css" type="text/css" />
I checked Themes and it's set to defaultRBC; checked Theme Options and it's set to `binderAlbum`. Neither is being displayed. I get white screen, default browser type and the images in a vertical row.
Is this related to my tables I dropped? And, if so, how do I make things better? Or, is it upgrading to 1.1.7 problem?
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zp_options` (name, value, ownerid) VALUES ('image_size','595','.6.') ) Failed. Error:Duplicate entry 'image_size-0' for key 2`
Received this error when setting Album to Default theme option dark. Oh, dear, I keep messing up!
UPDATE: MANAGED to get Default theme for 1st album okay now. Will now try changing to my theme/options.
That '.6.' should not be there. Probably should be just a 6, but how is it happening? Does this happen for a particular album or for the gallery?
Timestamp: r1956
07/15/08 09:53:14 (3 hours ago)
Setup will report errors in creating database tables.
fixes typo in template-functions.php that created an invalid function call
Okay, gained access. Almost better. Still strange behaviour:
I set the Admin info account for visitors and checked 'view all albums'. I also have the option for logout checked. Tried accessing using this visitor login. The index.php displayed login request. Gained access to album.php page and still saw the Admin Toolbox. Clicked Admin options and saw the Overview page, even though option wasn't checked to display.
Worse, the page had lost it's CSS formatting. The browser states there's an error: - zero byte resource