I am using the most actual nightly built 1954, using German as default language
I noticed the following strings are not translated in german:
1: Image-Upload:
This web-based upload accepts ZenPhoto formats: GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, 3GP, FLV, MOV, MP3, und MP4.
2. <b>Alternativ kann auch FTP verwenden können</b> should be:
Sie können auch FTP verwenden
3. mit dem Ordnername: should be: mit dem Ordnernamen:
4. In Gallery Overview:
5 Album 5 Bilder should be 5 Alben 5 Bilder, plural instead of singular
5. Edit Album should be Album bearbeiten
6. at the same page: Album Title: should be Album Titel
7. Albumpasswort: ok, but repeat: should be Eingabe wiederholen
8. Subalbums should be Sub-Alben or Unter-Alben
9. In the symbol-list below the album list, delete should be löschen
10. Image-List (Bilder):
Filename: should be Datei-Name
Title => Titel
11. In Options:
Dateformat shows Sonder in the select-list, but the explanations mentions
wählen Sie ein benutzerdefiniertes aus , so these values don't fit
12. Last and least:
Visual Thumb selection:, the complete part is missing in the translation, the label and the explanation
don't see this is as critique, it's just a list..
whereas some words are wrong since some versions (Album in singular instead of plural)
But I do not want to critizise, I like this gallery too much!
So thanks, I will see to correct them ("sonder" I wanted to change for a long time but always forgot it...)