Translation incomplete

I am using the most actual nightly built 1954, using German as default language

I noticed the following strings are not translated in german:

1: Image-Upload:

This web-based upload accepts ZenPhoto formats: GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, 3GP, FLV, MOV, MP3, und MP4.

2. <b>Alternativ kann auch FTP verwenden können</b> should be:
Sie können auch FTP verwenden

3. mit dem Ordnername: should be: mit dem Ordnernamen:

4. In Gallery Overview:
5 Album 5 Bilder should be 5 Alben 5 Bilder, plural instead of singular

5. Edit Album should be Album bearbeiten
6. at the same page: Album Title: should be Album Titel

7. Albumpasswort: ok, but repeat: should be Eingabe wiederholen

8. Subalbums should be Sub-Alben or Unter-Alben

9. In the symbol-list below the album list, delete should be löschen
10. Image-List (Bilder):
Filename: should be Datei-Name
Title => Titel

11. In Options:
Dateformat shows Sonder in the select-list, but the explanations mentions
wählen Sie ein benutzerdefiniertes aus , so these values don't fit

12. Last and least:
Visual Thumb selection:, the complete part is missing in the translation, the label and the explanation


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We just added that yesterday and since this is the nightly (= work in progress) it is fairly common that the translation is not always complete...:-)
  • Connie Member

    don't see this is as critique, it's just a list..

    whereas some words are wrong since some versions (Album in singular instead of plural)

    But I do not want to critizise, I like this gallery too much!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Connie, no offense taken. Every input, suggestions and critique is welcome. I just answered (too) quickly inbetween and seem to have looked basically at the headline's "not complete" and wanted to explain it. This is apparently the common problem that written text often comes out not correctly...:-)

    So thanks, I will see to correct them ("sonder" I wanted to change for a long time but always forgot it...)
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