How would you compare zenPhoto to Gallery2?


I'm new here. Just happened to find out zenPhoto and Gallery2 at the same time. Don't really know which one is better. Gallery 2 seems more complicated.
How would you think?



  • Since you ask on the zenphoto forum you should expect the answer:

    Zenphoto is miles better!
  • @firsttimezenphot, I've worked with both Gallery 2 and Zenphoto... Gallery 2 is IMHO overly complex bloatware. It's a fine product but it's far to complex for most people's needs. YMMV though. :)
  • I had Gallery2 installed via my web host option. Got a headache trying to figure it all out. Ditched it. And my web host did too. Added Zenphoto "easy install" which was option by my web host. When I saw how little was involved in keeping it current (nightly builds), I did a self-install. Great support, easy to customize, works, updated nightly with fixes or surprises (new features).
  • Thanks guys! In my case I actually got some problem after installing zenphoto (see my other post: and I couldn't solve it. Thus I switched to gallery2 and configured my album properly. However, I still feel Gallery 2 has two many functions I may never use, while zenphoto seems way neater. I really like to have my zenphoto work properly so that I can compare the two. This is why I am asking the question here, on this forum. If anyone could help me resolving my problem with zenphoto I'd be grateful!
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